
Monday, June 24, 2019

Fossil Fuels

Hurumanu - Fossil Fuels.

 Image result for coal mining

Image result for oil rig

Aim: To look at how fossil fuels are contributing to climate change and how we can prevent this.

Definition of Fossil Fuels:
a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.

Scientific Terms for Students
  • coal: a dark-brown to black solid substance formed naturally from the compaction and hardening of fossilized plants and used as a fuel primarily for electricity generation
  • natural gas: a mixture of hydrocarbon gases that occurs naturally beneath the earth’s surface and is used as a fuel primarily for cooking and heating homes
  • renewable resource: a resource that is never used up (e.g., solar energy)
  • non-renewable resource: a resource that is not replaceable after its use (e.g., coal, gas)

Examples of Fossil Fuels:
  1.   Coal
  2.  Natural Gas  
  3.  Oil


In groups of 3 you will learn about different fossil fuels and the way they are mined?
Each group will be given a fossil fuel. The recorder will read it to the group. The recorder will write down some of the important points.
Person 1: Recorder: to write down 5 points of interest from the text. 
  1. 5 Points:
  2. Positives and negatives of your type of mining.
Person 2: Reporter: to read back to the class their 5 points of interest.
Person 3: Collector: Gathers the required stationary from the teacher.

Mining Fossil Fuels

What Fossil Fuels are mined?
How are they mined?

1. Digging
2. Scraping
3. Exposition  buried recourses
4. Drilling 

Where are they mined?

1. Underground
2. surface mining is relatively easy; shovels and bulldozers are effective at extracting coal near the surface.
3.  A hole is drilled into a potential oil patch and the oil is pumped out through a long tube.
4. Scientists look for gas and oil deposits with special equipment that causes a vibration in the ground as certain frequencies are associated with oil and gas.
5.Fossil fuels emit carbon dioxide when burned, a gas that traps heat below the earth's atmosphere.


    On the sheet provided you need to make two drawings of your cookie. 
    1. looking down at it. 
    2. side on -  of the imaginary habitat that will live on the top of the cookie. ( trees, buses, flax, sea, etc)


    1.  Toothpick
    2.   Cookie
    3.   plate
    4.  hands
    1.   get a chocolate chip cookie and place it on a plate
    2.   Get a toothpick 
    3.    start picking out the chocolate chips
    4.   Pick them out until they are all gone

    Findings: What did you find out as a result of your mining? that there is certain places where you can mine

    Conclusion: Mining destroys the animals and plants that live on the earths surface.

    Climate Change

    Friday, June 21, 2019

    Taha Tinana- Drama

    Discussed ways to be physically active.
    1. You could go to the gym.
    2. you could go and exercise at a park.
    3. Saturday Sport
    4. Biking
    5. Swimming
    1. People who were good role models for physical activity - describe 2 [names/ activity/how it helps their well being

    Stacey-My Mum- she goes to the gym and it helps her feel good and healthy.

    Shontelle-My friend she is really good at netball she fells happy when she plays netball.

    Hot seat is when you interview someone who is acting like there role model. You are asking them questions and they have to answer them ans say something that there role model would say.

    When i do sport or workout. I feel really good and healthy.

    You could be physically active when you say run around the block or even walking around your block.

    Thursday, June 20, 2019


    A long time ago there was a proud and young elf he called himself the rescuer of the town.He was going for an evening run around the block and he came upon a gravestone in the middle of a football field. He ran across the field to the gravestone and realised that it was a human grave. He heard noises from the grave “ B͆O͆O͆M͆,B͆O͆O͆M͆  and decided that he needed to call his sidekick to come quickly so he can come check out what is going on……… the sidekick got there and he asked what was wrong. Elf said “I heard noises down there” Sidekick said “what noises” elf replied “Banging”. Then the ground started to shake around that area they got scared then the ground started to open up where the grave was then ……………….

    A skeleton came up out of the ground and said “hello friend” elf and his sidekick were shaken. They ran for there life back to there house and never came out……….

    Friday, June 14, 2019


    Week One Learning :
    I cooperated with others and use techniques [in a freeze frame] to communicate what we know about ‘Hauora’.
    Drama Activities
    Listen and talk: 2 Truths and a Lie
    LISTEN & LOOK: 16 steps / Tequila/ Copy Circle/ Statues
    Freeze & FOCUS - yes lets/ magic mover/ creep up/ objects
    GAME SKILLS_ listening,respect personal space, follow direction
    DRAMA VOCABULARY: Floor pattern; eye contact; peripheral vision; ensemble awareness, freeze and focus

    Taha Tinana is mostly surrounded around health and exercise. It also  involves eating a balanced healthy diet and avoiding too much junk food. It not only includes eating healthy and exercising but also hygiene like getting a good sleep taking care of your body such as taking showers everyday.
    Taha Whanau is about your friends and family. It involves having friends that you know are there to support you, being a good friend back to them and making effort to find new friends. It is similar to Whanau as well you can make a strong connection with them.

    Taha Wairua Spiritual well being is your faith and religious belief. It is also a sense of belonging, plus our values and beliefs. It knowing that you belong somewhere and knowing were that somewhere is. It also means your religion and your connection to what you believe in. Say your family has a value for you to take off your shoes when you come into the house. Meditation can also help your spiritual well being.
    Taha Hinengaro is being able to manage your feelings/emotions and not taking it out on other people. Also it’s about being resilient, having a growth mindset, taking control of your emotions.

    Thursday, June 13, 2019

    Climate Change

    Aim: To look at the causes of climate change and how to prevent it.

    As you watch the video answer these questions:

    What is our greatest threat in thousands of years?

    How do we see climate change affecting the globe?
    1.   direct surface temperature
    2.   loss of Arctic sea ice
    3.   factory gases
    4.   car gas/co2  


    You can decide on how you would like to do this investigation. Your presentation could be on the blog, slides, or powerpoint.

    Investigate the different Fossil Fuels listed?

    1. Coal is made largely of carbon but also features other elements such as hydrogenoxygen, and nitrogen.Coal has long been burned to create electricity and heat. The use of coal is increasing every year, in the world consumed over 6,000,000,000,000 kilograms of coal. Coal is the world’s largest source of energy for the production of electricity.
    2. Oil, also called petroleum, is pumped from underground and can be turned into products such as gasoline and electricity. If your house uses natural gas for cooking and heating, this is a form of a fossil fuel that lies underground usually above oil.When oils are burned, they release unhealthy toxins into the air we breathe.

    Write a paragraph and upload an image about each of these renewable energies.

    Solar Image result for Solar
    Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity.Solar energy has been used by humans for a long time for uses such as heating, cooking food, removing salt from seawater and drying clothes.Solar cells convert light energy into electricity.The largest solar power plant in the world is found in the Mojave Desert, USA.
    WindImage result for ocean going yacht wind power
    they generate there own fresh wind. Wind power involves turning energy from the wind into other forms of useful energy.Large groups of wind turbines are called wind farms. Around 80 different countries use wind power to generate electricity. Modern wind turbines usually have 3 blades which can reach speeds at the tip of over 320 kph
    HydroImage result for ben more hydro
    Benmore is a big dam and is clean and makes the turbines make electricity.Hydropower uses the energy of moving water for a variety of useful applications. In 2006, hydro electricity supplied around 20% of the world’s electricity. A small number of countries, including Norway, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand, Paraguay, Venezuela and Switzerland, produce the majority of their electricity through hydro power.

    Write a reflection about what you have learnt about Climate Change and how it is going to affect  
    I learnt that climate change can change our life and our world that we live on.
    What we can do to help is that we don;t use coal and petrol as much.

    Wednesday, June 5, 2019


    Waiti and Waita are the twins of matariki. Papatūānuku knew that they would be able to care for the smallest and fastest of creatures because they know about being a team.

    Waiti is in charge of fresh water and all the creatures in the lake 

    Waita is in charge of salt water and all the creatures in the ocean

    Waipunarangi accompanies her grandmother to the waters – the oceans, lakes and rivers – where she prepares the children of Tangaroa
    Tangaroagod of the sea to feed the people. 
    Papatūānuku also teaches her about how the water that spills down from RanginuiRanginuithe sky father collects together to provide drinking water for the people, animals and plants.
    She also watches how the water is evaporated by the heat of Tama-nui-te-rāTama-nui-te-rāthe sun into the clouds that cloak Ranginui, so that may rain once again.
    Waipunarangi knows that if you give to others, all that kindness will come right back to you, and it is this lesson that she shares with us.
    Tupu-ā-nuku is the eldest of Matariki’s daughters. She spends her time with Papatūānuku tending to plants. She pays special attention to making sure they have everything they need to grow big and strong so they can produce kaikaifoodrongoārongoāmedicine, and kākahukākahuclothing materials.
    When we see her shining we are reminded that we all have our own special time and place, and to spend time growing our pūkengapūkengastrengths, as well as that of our friends.
    Tupu-ā-rangi loves to sing. Papatūānuku takes her to sing for te wao nuite wao nuithe great forests, and all the children of Tānemahuta. Her beautiful voice revives the forest and all the other creatures, including the manumanubirds, and mokomokomokomokolizards. They share their waiatawaiatasong, which fills the world with joy.
    Tupu-ā-rangi learns these songs and holds them close to her heart. We learn from her the importance of sharing our gifts with others, and appreciating those shared with us.
    Ururangi enjoys racing all of her sisters to get to her kuia first. She claims the best spot on her grandmother’s lap and wraps herself in her arms, settling in for her favourite stories. Her tenacity and excitement, along with the awhiawhihug and her arohaarohalove, helps Papa to get into the right mood after the cold and darkness of takuruatakuruawinter, to prepare with her older mokopunamokopunagrandchildren.
    Ururangi reminds us that a good attitude is always key to success.
    But what about Matariki you may ask? Well, she's doing what all good mothers (and other caregivers) do – watching over and helping out her tamarikitamarikichildren. With her support, encouragement, and supervision, they will be able to do their very best.
    Hiwa-i-te-rangi is the youngest star in the cluster, the star you send your wishes 
    Pohutakawa connects Matariki to the dead and is the star that carries our dead across the year